Dagloyalty V-ATM enables you to sell your Dagcoins to customers at the current Dagcoin exchange rate.

Put up ads in your shop and offer customers discounts, whilst earning both DAGs and Euros for yourself in the process.

Sign up now to offer discounts, and earn twice the amount!

Sign up

Sell your Dagcoins at the current market rate

Strengthen customer loyalty

Increase your sales with 500,000 potential customers already a part of the Dagcoin community

Process for the merchant


Join the Dagloyalty V-ATM Community

You can join the Dagloyalty V-ATM community through Dagpay! Go to the Dagpay page, log in, and click V-ATM


Display your QR Banner Ads

Upon being approved, you’ll receive QR banners. Simple print them, display them, and you’re away!


Sell your products using Dagloyalty V-ATM QR code and double your profit

Dagloyalty V-ATM enables you to sell your dagcoins to customers at the current Dagcoin exchange rate

Process for the customer

1. Scan the QR

Direct your customers to use a smartphone QR code scanner to start the process.

2. Download Dagwallet

After following the on-screen steps, they’ll receive a Dagwallet.

3. Buy your Dagcoins

Let your customer get verified and you’re ready to sell coins to your customers.

4. Pay with discount

Sell your products at a discount, and everyone’s happy!

1. Scan the QR

Direct your customers to use a smartphone QR code scanner to start the process.

2. Download Dagwallet

After following the on-screen steps, they’ll receive a Dagwallet.

3. Buy your Dagcoins

Let your customer get verified and you’re ready to sell coins to your customers.

4. Pay with discount

Sell your products at a discount, and everyone’s happy!

No need to wait longer

Log in or create a merchant account in Dagpay, and create joining applications under mechant tools.

Do you have any questions?

See the answers to FAQ’s like: How to use ATM’s, how much discount should you offer and how exactly the process works.